We believe strongly that what you put out you get back and this may be in many forms including physical reality and emotionally. So its important for us to be aware of what we put out into the world at all levels and that we be kind and respectful to fellow humans, creatures, resources and all things on this planet including physical material things. As kindness and respect is the energy your putting out and this is what you will get back.
If profit is a main goal with making as much money as possible by selling something for as high a price as possible while sourcing or making something for as little as possible, this can be seen as greed and this will directly and indirectly almost certainly cause more harm than necessary to fellow humans, creatures and the environment. And again we believe if this is what we put out we will certainly get it back in some form or shape. Power and financial wealth has never brought happiness and contentment to any human, there are plenty of studies on this. So its more important to us that all parties involved including ourselves are part of a fair and respectful exchange that will enable us all to live well and simply and close to nature, hence the name of our website.
When we create anything, we are using resources that are extracted from the earth often as a limited resource, this extraction, processing and manufacturing process uses energy and creates waste and mostly some form of toxic pollutants . Then when the item breaks or becomes outdated, there is more waste and toxic pollutants which again causes harm in the environment it’s dumped in. Even if a product is recycled it still requires energy and new resources to turn it into a new product. Nearly all products that claim to be recyclable can’t be entirely recycled, some parts are are still disposed of leaving toxic waste and landfill. So recyclable as we see today is not a truly sustainable nor environmentally friendly solution that would make short life time products a solution. So if we are going to make something, lets design and build it to last, to be repairable and upgradable.