Our main goal of the creations on this website is to make them ethically and accessible to all. At the same time it’s not realistic for everyone to make creations like this as we all have different skill sets and interests and so it would only make sense for people who are skilled and passionate about making creations like this to make them and be able to exchange or sell them to people that might be able to make use of them but are skilled in other ways. So we are all for these units being made to be exchanged and or sold. We would like to ask that all creations from this site are made to last and to be repaired and upgraded as well as made ethically where labour, resources and waste pollutants are handled mindfully and respectfully, we also ask that they are made affordable and accessible to all. If you are called to make any of these creations to sell, we would encourage you to donate a percentage of your earnings or something towards us as we feel that would be balanced and that would enable us to continue developing new designs and improving existing designs. The percentage or amount you decide to contribute is up to you and must feel good to you too.